2016 > 10

Today I was interviewed by The Swedish Radio about taking pictures with the phone. Hope my tips can help someone. Here it comes:

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I am very honored to photograph Ilon Wikland, the illustrator of the famous author Astrid Lindgren's books. The article is for Finnish YLE and will be published in the fall. To meet such an extremely talented illustrator that meant a lot for children's literature felt special. When I suggested one of my picture ideas she looked skeptically at me and asked if the wall color really suited her salmon pink dress. She knows what she does that woman and probably she was right in my doubtful color choice. I do not know if she will like the pictures but I think I managed to capture parts of her soul. At least as I perceived her, as a intelligent woman with high integrity, pending and at the same time sensible. 

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  • jan selander » VÄSEN:  ”besökte rikstolvan fann väsen gillade formatet bilderna grep tag i mig mycket fi..”

  • Linda Åkesson » Interviewed by P4:  ”Intressant, det ska jag lyssna på. Tack för idag! ”


