This week I traveled to Print in Baltic in Lithuania to be part of the printing of my book Mayfly. As the perfectionist I am, I now try to accept possible deviations. I know I will never be completely satisfied with anything I do and maybe it is part of the necessary driving force. I now try to be proud of the independent continuation of my book Fade to Black that soon is completed.
Finally my lates book Mayfly will be printed in a couple of weeks. It is a continuation of my book Fade to Black, a poetic pictorial suite with primordial, universal images. The photographs in this book, Mayfly, have, in their content and expression, a brighter tone, a more cohesive warm narrative of that which is close and emotionally intertwined, of that which holds our everyday lives together.
A short film about the measles epidemic in western Congo that I just came home from
Yesterday me and my journalist colleague met Devine Blessing for an interview. Her story is one of the most terrible one I have ever heard.
The first time a man assaulted her she was at the age of five. Years later it happens again and again, by different men, in different countries; Congo, Tanzania, Namibia, Sweden. They were often several men and they raped her for hours, sometimes days. When she finally came to Sweden, the sexual abuse continued. This time by her husband.
Today she lives divorced together with her children. Even though the scars will never heal, she decided to continue living, and her aim is to spread the story of her life. From time to time, she travels to the Panzi Hospital in Congo to give hope to the many women who come to Panzi hospital to be treated for their injuries caused by brutal rape.
Sometimes people say that women like Devine are strong. But I think that is a cruel thing to say. What choise has she got? What choise does anyone have with similar traumas like her? What does it meen to be strong? She could either die or continue to live, and yes that is strong of her to choose to live, but still; the pain in her are brutal, present and will always be a part of her, strong or not.
So incredibly happy that I got a travel grant from the Swedish Arts Grants Committee that enables the trip to Greenland. I want to interview young people in the village of Qaanaaq in northwestern Greenland, and photograph them in their everyday lives.
The people of Qaanaaq mainly deserve their livelihood through hunting and are hit hard when the glaciers melt. How are young people's future dreams affected when climate change makes it hard to follow in their parents' footsteps? What are they dreaming about? What opportunities exist for them to create a good future?
Watch out my short movie about the Hannah School in northern Kenya:
It has been an intense time with lot of travelling. Just came back from Kenya on a mission for the organizaton MAF and before that me and my journalist colleague Maria Hagtroem visited Lebanon to cover different stories for magazines. I will soon come back with more information but here is a photo from a school in Lokichoggio in the north of Kenya, just close to the border of South Sudan.
On Saturday, me and Maria Hagstroem exhibit "The women on Meri Seif - voices from a bus", at Black Door Gallery, Sweden.
In Papua New Guinea, sexual violence is a humanitarian crisis. According to Human Right Watch, the country is one of the most dangerous in the world for women to live in. In the city's public buses, women are often exposed to harassment; a recent survey found that 90 percent of women in Papua New Guinea had endured harassment. As a result three women buses, Meri Seif, are driving Port Moresby's streets. They are run by the Ginigoada Foundation, supported by UN Women.
Hundreds of women travel daily on the buses, which are free and have female drivers. The travelers come from different cultures, tribes and speak various languages, but on the bus they enjoy a danger free zone together. Without the Meri Seif bus many women say they wouldn’t leave the house for fear of being harassed.
We have been travelling with the buses for a week in Port Moresby, from dawn to dusk, rush hour traffic to the sleepy afternoon. We met ladies going to the market, school girls on their way home and a woman – rejected from her family – who every day goes to get a free meal.
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